vineri, 28 aprilie 2023

Amazing Teaching Application delivered by the outstanding Macmillan Education

Make Your Heart Smile! 

Make your heart smile! (Make a heart with both of your hands.) 

Follow this lifestyle! (Move in your place as if you were walking.) 

Share your things. (Mime handing a crayon to a friend.) 

Say please, thank you. (Clasp your hands together as if saying please and mime thank you with your right hand over your heart.) 

Be kind to others. (Indicate with upturned palms.) 

That’s the clue! (Give a thumbs up.) 

Make your heart smile! (Make a heart with both of your hands.) 

Follow this lifestyle! (Move in your place as if you were walking.) 

Take turns. (Make a switching motion with your two hands.) 

You and me. (Point to another and then yourself.) 

Help someone. (Mime a handshake.) 

That’s the key! (Give a thumbs up.) 

Make your heart smile! (Make a heart with both of your hands.) 

Follow this lifestyle!

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